In-kind Fundraising!

DOWNCITY DESIGN: Their letter was full of photos from what they have done over the past year which was an amazing touch.  There were photos of the finished product, photos of youth working on the project, and photos of people enjoying the community space that was created. This detail immediately pulled the reader into wanting to know more about the organization and what they do.  I Also enjoyed how the letter began with thanking everyone who helped this past 2017 year including (FIRST and most IMPORTANT) youth, educators, designers, and supporters. As I continued to read on I wanted to see if they discussed who, what, where, when, why, and how this project got started and came to be.
Who- First paragraph, "Our Teens..."
What- First paragraph "built 11 new structures for public spacess..."
Where- First paragraph "In Providence including 4 public schools."  they also "launched 5 new after school design programs in partnership with Providence Career & Technical Academy through 21st Century Community Learning Center grant."
When- Intro "2017 was a year filled with experimentation and growth for DownCity Design."
Why- Last paragraph "To create positive change for our communities."
How- Besides already thanking the educators, designers, youth, and staff who helped with immediate projects- they also thank all of their funders on the LAST page!They list about 17 funder who made the projects monetarily possible. 
This letter is very effective in my opinion, it makes me want to donate! I have no questions left unanswered and by giving the reader/donor ALL the information they would need to know about DownCity Design- they don't have to specifically ask for seems as though they are more asking for people to be apart of their journey if they support what the org is doing.  
YOUTH IN ACTION: This letter tried a few different tactics to persuade donors to give to their organization.  While I think DownCity Design used an approach that showed upfront how they invest the donations and how it is making a positive change for the community. Where as YIA used a nostalgia- they asked the reader to "think back to when you were twenty years old- unsure what the world held for you, but fearless to find out..." They are creating a space for the reader put themselves in the shoes of youth and think about how their life could have been different had they had a safe space to grow and learn.  They also used the story of two of their youth, including Lafifat, who has learned to "demand the best the world has to offer and, in return she rises to the occasion."  They explain that during her time at YIA she has spoken on the importance of Ethnic Studies, facilitated countless workshops on identity and internationalization, and was a core organizer for the PVD Student Walkout.  They also bold a strong statement made by Aisha saying "YIA gives me answers to things I've been questioning for most of my life." While I enjoyed this letter, I do think there were somethings missing.  I am very familiar with YIA and what they do on a day-to-day basis, but donors who have never heard of YIA do not.  I feel as though they should have explicitly stated somewhere on this that YIA is a safe space for teens to grow and learn (Those were my own words that I used a few sentences back.) If I were a person who had never heard of YIA and received this letter, I would have no idea what they do. While they did mention what Latifa has done, those opportunities were not open to every member of YIA. Moreover all of those events were a one time thing, its not as if those happen all the time. So what is everyone else doing? I feel as though they don't really showcase the beauty that is YIA and ALL of its youth, they only discuss the special things a few people have gotten the chance to do/take part in. There are workshops they do every single day, community bonding events, once a month they volunteer at various nonprofits across the state, they have an annual camping trip where they break down barriers to get to know one another and themselves, and some youth receive school credit to take part in YIA activities. None of that was mentioned at all, and I thought that was kind of disappointing. 
UNITED WE DREAM: This letter starts out by identifying a problem that Congress has ignored.  United We Dream recognizes there is a huge problem, being that millions of immigrant youth are unprotected, and the government is doing nothing about it.  This letter is taking a stand and saying that while the government "chooses" to do nothing about it, United We Dream will not stand by while an additional "488 immigrant youth continue to lose protection from deportation." They continue by saying the will hold "every single" representative accountable- Democrat or Republican, and they will get the Dream Act passed. In my opinion this is very powerful and something that speaks to me for several reasons.  There are clearly stating- hey we see an issue that no one is doing anything about, instead of idly sitting by WE are going to be the change we want to see.  The change they seek to make is also a very unselfish one-they are striving to get protection for millions of immigrant children across the states.  It is also powerful because they say they are holding all representatives accountable, not just republicans.  Both democrats and republicans are at fault for ignoring an issue as big as this. I also enjoy how I, as the reader, can feel their passion  This is something that they are going to fight for and are asking us to be on board. 
They being to discuss in the third paragraph what they want to do and how they plan to do it! 
Who: United We Dream will bring more than a thousand immigrant youth....
What: They will need the funds for 16 buses, food, and lodging. 
Where:To Washington DC 
When: In January!
Why: To fight for the Dream Act to get passed- for it to be renewed
How: With the help and "support from our grassroots donors..." This will potentially take place
I have a few issues with this. 1.) 1 bus alone is $9,000 and they want to take 16.  They also need money for food and lodging. While I think this is an amazing plan- as a reader- I feel a little overwhelmed.  It would be great to possibly know how much they have already raised, and other ways they plan to raise this money.  Because if they expect to get all of the money from donors, that might be a little bit of a reach.  If this is a reach do they have another plan? Possibly to bring 8 buses instead of 16? Something along those lines. 2.) I would also just like to know more about what they will do in DC, do they plan to protest, are they trying to get in touch with any specific representatives, are they working with any lobbyist...? 

Overall I did enjoy each letter!  It was great to see all of these organizations fighting for differences causes and showing the ways in which they have already made change.  While some were stronger than others, I do feel as though all of them get their points across.


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