Define Nonprofit

Nonprofits organizations are institutions that are dedicated to advocating for a particular cause that is represented through their work. Nonprofits can be big, like American Red Cross, or small, like Youth in Action. These organizations can have different focuses, such as micro, mezza or macro and within those focuses there are endless services being provided from nature preservatives to homelessness issues. Nonprofits are created in the hope to construct some sort of change that is outline by the organizations mission statement, and values. These tools are public knowledge and act as guidelines or standards to which each nonprofit will hold itself too. Nonprofits are also different from regular for profit company's because they are tax exempt because of their charitable nature. The money that comes into the org is not then distributed among the shareholders, owner, employees, etc. The majority of the money goes to the cause they are advocating for. This tax exempt form is called a 501(c)(3). I thought it was interesting to learn that there are technically two types of nonprofits- member serving or community serving. Member serving would be considered unions, advocacy groups, and sports clubs- while community serving are what i have described in the paragraph above, providing services globally or locally. I knew about unions and advocacy groups but I never considered that they would be a different type of nonprofit.


  1. i love how you incorporate pictures in your blog posts. catches my eye and helps me better understand theory of change!


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