Against Philanthropy

The average major U.S. corporation is a big hypocrite...
This article discussed a big way in which the average major U.S. Corporation is a hypocrite. The #1 priority for private corporations is to make a profit, and a large one at that.  To achieve their goal, the corporations, CEOs, Owners, etc. will stop at nothing.  This means they will exploit people with minimum wage jobs, exploit he environment by not paying attention to the ways in which their company effects the surrounding community/land, exploit the buyer by pricing things way over what it costs to create their product, etc.  There are hundreds of ways in which corporations will exhaust the resources around them and utilizes them for their own gain without giving much back.  On top of that they will then donate money to nonprofit, charities, and philanthropies- but this isn't necessarily because they care about the cause.  Corporation donate money to get tax breaks, that is the main motivator.  Not only do they get the tax break but it can also be used as good publicity- "Look at our company and how amazing we are! We donated $100,000 to this charity that is against pollution- so we are against pollution...."blah blah. Corporations use philanthropies for their own benefit and not in a way that I think is ethically right.  Especially when you consider the fact that in this scenario the company was creating pollution but also donating to a cause that was again pollution.  Corporations will donate money to charities that are attempting to fix the problems that the company is causing.  It is almost like an endless cycle. 
I don't really see any of this at my internship.  Youth Advocate Programs is a wrap around service through DCYF and they get funding from the state.  They don't hold fundraisers, and if they do it might be at the headquarters in Philadelphia.  But I do think nonprofits should take into consideration who they receive funding and donations from.  In the nonprofit world money is very important- without money the mission is lost and those you seek to help cannot get the assistance.  Because of this, some might not necessarily care where the money comes from as long as they are able to fulfill their mission.  But ethically I think you should not accept money from donor who are a problem to the specific cause you are trying to help/spread awareness about.  This is also why you should be very educated on the corporations and companies that donate to your nonprofit- don't just accept the check, learn who it is from and what motive they might be seeking.  Is it for the greater good? Is it for the publicity? Just some things to consider that could help you become more aware. 


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